• car washing

    10 Suggestions to Detox Your Car

    Months of scouring the marketplace and test-driving vehicles reminded me of just how many chemicals most people use in the maintenance and upkeep of their vehicles. Here are 10 ways to detox your car based on my new book, Weekend Wonder Detox

  • Safe spring cleaning supplies
    Think Piece

    Use Green Products This Year While Spring Cleaning

    Spring cleaning season is almost here: It’s the time of year to clear the clutter, give the home a deep cleaning and get ready for spring and summer festivities. Granted, most of us need more than this annual event to keep our homes free of clutter and germs, but it gives us the push we need to tidy our homes. The City of Portland wanted to raise the recycling rate to 75 percent by 2015. Portlanders can help by using green services and making informed choices. If you don’t want to use a local company like Maid in Portland Eco-Friendly Cleaning, LLC, you can do the hard work yourself and…