Now that the busy, sometimes hectic, holiday season is in the past, January is a great time for personal reflection while starting to look forward to the year ahead. Planning is a good theme for this month.
Study Finds ‘Rollie Pollies’ Remove Heavy Metals From Soil, Protects Groundwater
Turns out a little bug we don’t think of much is one of the best protectors of soil ever imaginable.
Maritime Northwest Victory Gardener’s Almanack for the month of December
December tends to be a continuation of our region’s seasonally wet weather but can occasionally get snowy. The primary difference between this month and last is that the days are getting colder and shorter as the Winter Solstice arrives.
They Too Shall Garden
Since 2009, a non-profit, Lettuce Grow, has been teaching Sustainable Gardening to prison inmates, providing courses leading to a certificate in Home Horticulture.
Maritime Northwest Victory Gardener’s Almanack for the month of November
By November, it is usually too wet, cold and dark to get much production out of your yards and gardens.
Maritime Northwest Victory Gardener’s Almanack for the month of October
While this year’s garden is fresh in mind, create or update your garden journal with a sketch of what was planted where. Note any pest or disease problems. Record what varieties did well and what did not.
Simple Living
Ah yes, simple living. Who hasn’t, at some time, wished for a simpler life? Which then begs the question: why do we feel the need to live more simply? Are we frustrated?
Sharing the Caring at the End of Life
The most effective information-sharing tool turned out to be a Facebook page set up by his daughter in order to easily share news about his rapidly changing condition once he stopped eating.
Voluntary Simplicity
Think about it this way: if you buy a $4 coffee every workday, that’s approximately $1000 a year spent on coffee. If you make $10 an hour, that equates to 100 hours of work just to buy coffee. Voluntary Simplicity is about making conscious choices.
New Tomato Varieties for Container Gardens
We have not been trying to keep them a secret. In fact, for the past five years we have been a conduit for introducing gardeners all over the world to new varieties of compact tomatoes.