• Bridge photo of youth climate protest
    Community Projects,  Education,  EVENT

    Sustainability Symposium *Online* in response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19)

    Friday, April 17, 2020, 12 pm to 2:30 pm Virtual via Zoom register here: https://portlandcc.zoom.us/meeting/register/uZcudeuqrTwoypFr4GWtiHD7OuFo0Prc8Q “A Call for Action” The Greater Portland Sustainability Education Network (GPSEN) and co-host Portland Community College are hosting their third annual, Sustainability Symposium. Open to the public, they are calling all change agents, leaders, teachers, scholars, students, and community members for a day full of discovery and connections. Highlighting local and global issues, cutting-edge academic and community research, and sustainability projects and solutions, participants will focus on collaboration, diversity, innovative problem-solving, and reflections on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Keynote speaker is Mak Porotesano, PCC Sylvania’s Multicultural Center Coordinator. Experience a day full of community,…