An untidy garden can benefit birds and insects It’s that time of year when plants are turning brown as they complete their time with us after providing tasty food, medicine, and beauty throughout the summer months. Final harvests are being completed and thoughts turn to all the garden and yard clean-up we need to do, including herb beds. Often, we are eager to put the pruners and rake to work while we can still get out without getting completely soaked by the rain here in the Pacific Northwest. After all, preparing tidy herb beds and garden spaces for spring is what we’re supposed to do in the fall, right? Last…
Camas Plant and Garden Fair
Everything for your yard and garden! Held the day before Mother’s Day each year
Victory Gardener’s Almanack for the month of August
By August, the planting season is nearly over and the yard and garden are in harvest and maintenance mode. Take time to sit, relax and enjoy the produce you have fostered from your plot of this Earth.
Victory Gardener’s Almanack for the month of April
The weather is generally transitional at this time. Enjoy the beautiful sunbreaks, but keep on alert for the downpours. Stop, appreciate, and enjoy the beautiful flowering that is happening all around.
Victory Gardener’s Almanack for the month of February
Don’t get carried away and start planting your whole garden if we happen to get a week or two of “false spring” weather this month.
Study Finds ‘Rollie Pollies’ Remove Heavy Metals From Soil, Protects Groundwater
Turns out a little bug we don’t think of much is one of the best protectors of soil ever imaginable.
Maritime Northwest Victory Gardener’s Almanack for the month of December
December tends to be a continuation of our region’s seasonally wet weather but can occasionally get snowy. The primary difference between this month and last is that the days are getting colder and shorter as the Winter Solstice arrives.
Maritime Northwest Victory Gardener’s Almanack for the month of November
By November, it is usually too wet, cold and dark to get much production out of your yards and gardens.
Maritime Northwest Victory Gardener’s Almanack for the month of October
While this year’s garden is fresh in mind, create or update your garden journal with a sketch of what was planted where. Note any pest or disease problems. Record what varieties did well and what did not.
Upcycling Windows & Doors – Urban Gardening Projects
Upcycling — has become increasingly common among city dwellers due to its ease, accessibility and artsy appeal.