• wild bee house
    Herbs,  Home Garden,  Nature

    Bugs in the Garden

    Bugs, butterflies, and beetles – in our gardens and on our plants. Sometimes we are happy to see them, and often we are not. In either case, insects are necessary for our plants and consequently for us to survive. Some of them flit about pollinating, while others spend time eating and decomposing garden debris. Even the ones we dislike can be food for other beneficial insects, birds, and garden reptiles. Unfortunately, insects are generally in trouble, with almost 40% of insect species at risk of becoming extinct. So what can we do to help save and protect the insect ecosystem? One of the first and easiest projects we can undertake…

  • Washougal Riparian Project

    Let’s Protect Our Riparian Areas

    The Pacific Northwest is known for its water—whether falling from the sky, melting from high peaks, or flowing towards the ocean—we have such a seeming abundance that it’s easy to take for granted. But, when was the last time you gave a second thought to the wonders of the hydrologic cycle or reflected on the unique role of the riparian plants that are specially adapted to live close to water? If you aren’t familiar with the term, “riparian” refers to the area of vegetation surrounding waterways (ponds, lakes, streams, rivers, etc.). The plant communities occurring at this land-water interface are incredibly biodiverse when healthy, and they provide many benefits to…

  • Used Batteries

    Recycling Batteries

    KEEPING CHEMICALS OUT OF LANDFILLS TO SAVE THE EARTH Did you know that Americans use and discard millions of single-use and rechargeable batteries each year? Our increasingly large taste for lightweight power tools, “smart” devices, and electronics has caused an explosion of these metal-containing entities. Unfortunately, some of the chemicals they contain are harmful to the environment, including mercury, lead, cadmium, nickel, and silver. Others contain cobalt, lithium, and graphite—which are difficult to obtain from the earth and may become unavailable before the end of this century. Single-use batteries include: • The old tried and true alkaline and zinc-carbon (tubular and rectangular) batteries.• The newer button-cell or coin batteries.• The…

  • reforesting for Carbon sequester
    Nature,  RE-THINK

    Buy Land and Plant

    An Adventure in Reforesting A decade or so ago, I came across an article in the local paper about a retired school teacher who owned some land a couple of hours east of my city of Portland, Oregon, and spent his golden years planting trees. He had planted 10,000 trees up to that point, aiming to reforest a semidry area of land east of the Cascade mountains, where ponderosa pines flourished before the arrival of Europeans and had been mostly clearcut to create pasture. Something about the article resonated and stuck with me to this day. It was powerful to see an individual intentionally rewilding an area, giving it back…

  • electric vehicle cartoon
    Electric Vehicles,  Go Electric

    Keeping Up With Electric Vehicles

    As more car companies get on the electric vehicle (EV) bandwagon, the number of makes and models available just keeps growing, making it hard for consumers to keep up with them all. Fortunately, there is help. The US Department of Energy maintains a website with basic information on all vehicles sold in the US from 1984 to the present. To zero in on just EVs, it takes some time to thread your way through the various search options. But, the results show 287 EVs from the newest 2022s back to the 1998 Chevrolet Spark and Honda EV Plus. So, no matter if you’re looking to buy a new or used…

  • Lonely Ladybut
    Nature,  Think Piece

    Picking Peas

    Where Have all the Bugs Gone? Why are insects important? “When I was a kid….” No, I’m not going to say that I had to walk many miles to school in the snow. However, I will say that I remember that on summer evenings we would go for rides in the countryside, all of us in the family car, the windshield of which would be covered by smashed bugs. Loads and loads of smashed bugs. Ask any older person – they will remember that. I realized a few years ago that the bug-spattered windshields no longer happen. I will admit that it’s kind of nice not to have to soak…

  • pic of climate change
    Publisher's Page,  Think Piece

    A Word to the Wise

    The recently released draft report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) paints a grim picture of planet Earth in the days ahead. The main point is that humans have waited so long to curb emissions that a hotter future is essentially locked in, as are more droughts, more forest fires, more crippling heat waves, more sea-level rise, and more floods. Moreover, the greenhouse gases that we have already pumped into the atmosphere will stay there a long time, inflicting misery for years to come. Continuing to pour greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere will create a domino effect of changes that will have severe consequences for humanity. The report’s…

  • Bee on Rosemary blossoms
    Home Garden,  Nature

    Save Our Pollinators

    Convert Your Backyard to a Bee Lawn Dear EarthTalk: What is a “pollinator lawn” and how can I make one in my backyard? —Jane W., Westbrook, CT Bees and other pollinators are essential for growing a great deal of nature’s finest foods. These include coffee, chocolate, beans, many fruits including apples, avocados, blueberries, cherries, and peaches, nuts like almonds and cashews, and vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, and Brussel’s sprouts, just to name a few. More than 100 U.S.-grown crops rely on pollinators. Small birds and animals also depend on a variety of pollinated wild fruits and seeds to survive. Unfortunately, the populations of bees and other pollinators, including hummingbirds, butterflies,…

  • OSSIA Conference
    Education,  EVENT,  Solar

    Oregon Solar +Storage Conference

    Portland Crowne Plaza 1441 NE 2nd Ave, Portland, ORNovember 2 – 4, 2021 Earn NABCEP CEUs, visit engaging exhibits, hear from industry leaders about solar policy, storage, business development, land use, large-scale development, and more. Join OSSIA for one of the most comprehensive solar + storage conferences in the nation! Solar Career Expo at OSSC will be a featured part of the Energy Trust of Oregon Contractor Day at the Oregon Solar + Storage Conference. The event will commence with a Keynote Delivery (TBA) and be followed by various breakout sessions that include resources for job seekers and providers. Our Speed-networking sessions can assist you as you expand opportunities for…

  • Sage Center
    Education,  EVENT,  FOOD


    FREE COMMUNITY EVENT CELEBRATING LOCAL ARTISANS, PRODUCE, AND FAMILY FUN October 2, from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm101 Olson Road, Boardman, OR SAVE THE DATE! We’re so glad to be back in any fashion for the 8th annual Morrow County Harvest Festival presented by the SAGE Center. The Morrow County Harvest Festival will be exclusively outdoors. It will feature a variety of vendors with high-quality, regionally produced agricultural goods, and handmade artisan crafts. Returning this year, Threemile Canyon Farms will provide an opportunity for attendees to “fill-a-bag” full of locally grown produce in exchange for a small donation to a local 4-H program. Pack a grocery bag full of traditionally…