• Fair Planet Advisors logo and B corp
    Business,  Money

    Fair Planet Advisors Is B Corp Certified

    Exciting news: after a year-long certification process, Fair Planet Advisors has been recognized as a certified B Corporation. They are the third B Corp in the Columbia River Gorge and new members of B Local PDX, with 135 B Corp members in Oregon and SW Washington. There are currently over 4,550 Certified B Corporations in 78 countries and over 150 industries that believe that business can and must be a force for good. B Corp explains it best, “While Systems are complex, the truth is they were built by people, so they can be changed by people. After all, humanity is interdependent with one another and with the planet.” They wish…

  • Business,  EVENT,  FOOD,  Organics

    Second Mile Marketplace & Food Hub

    Food Hub Plant sale Saturday, April 23, 10am to 2pm 11819 NE Hwy 99, Vancouver, WA Local farms offer starts of veggies, berries, perennials. Reasonable prices, variety, sustainably grown, and supporting local farms! Hot coffee, hot cocoa, and treats made in the Second Mile kitchen For more info: secondmilemarketplace.com The Marketplace is a well-equipped, licensed commercial kitchen offering kitchen rental, storage, meeting space, and business development assistance. Our mission is to help creative food entrepreneurs launch, grow and thrive in their food businesses. The Food Hub is an online shopping platform where you can find the freshest and most unique food products from around Southwest Washington. Pick and choose from a variety of products that…

  • Business,  Organics

    Dirt Hugger Opens Landscape Yard

    749 Snipes St, The Dalles, OR Mon -Fri 8am – 4pm 541-946-3478 Dirt Hugger, located in The Dallesport, WA, has produced organic compost since 2010 using locally available feedstocks such as fruit, wood, and beer yeast. They use their organic compost as the base in many soils and potting mixes. Each soil product is available in bulk, bags, or totes. They also offer rock, gravel, and a full line of landscape barks. Custom blends are also available. Their products are also available at retail outlets in The Dalles, Hood River, Bingen. Goldendale, Portland, Vancouver, and Boring For more info: www.dirthugger.com