Ah yes, simple living. Who hasn’t, at some time, wished for a simpler life? Which then begs the question: why do we feel the need to live more simply? Are we frustrated?
Voluntary Simplicity
Think about it this way: if you buy a $4 coffee every workday, that’s approximately $1000 a year spent on coffee. If you make $10 an hour, that equates to 100 hours of work just to buy coffee. Voluntary Simplicity is about making conscious choices.
New Tomato Varieties for Container Gardens
We have not been trying to keep them a secret. In fact, for the past five years we have been a conduit for introducing gardeners all over the world to new varieties of compact tomatoes.
Solar Synergy 2.0
We at the Green Living Journal believe that the solar photovoltaic (PV) system, combined with in-home battery storage, is the only sensible, sustainable tool that individuals can use to reduce their impact on the environment, protect themselves from rising electric rates, and provide energy security in the event of disasters (natural or otherwise).