• RE-THINK,  Think Piece


    Think about the little actions you take every day and how they add up. I’m writing this just after the turn of the year, at the beginning of 2023. It’s the tradition to make resolutions in January. This year, I will work on ONE thing at a time. ONE is so much less daunting than the whole long list of “shoulds” – those things that we feel we should accomplish. A counselor I knew said “Don’t should on yourself.” I agree! I am one of those individuals who always have lots of thoughts inserting themselves into their heads. Lately, the thoughts are about ONE: • One planet home • One…

  • Electric Vehicles,  Publisher's Page

    A Minor Inconvenience

    EV Charging Will Get Better-Really The April 23rd issue of the Los Angeles Times ran an opinion piece entitled: I’m Ready to Trade in My Electric Car. Here’s Why. Written by Mariel Garza, the Times’ Deputy Editorial Page Editor, the title caught my attention, so I read on. Although Ms. Garza loves her Kia Niro EV, she seriously considers trading it in for a gas-powered hybrid plug-in version because she has had too many lousy charging experiences as she travels throughout California. Unfortunately, she is not alone in her assessment of public charging, and sales of EVs suffer because of the charging horror stories floating around the internet. I want to point out…

  • RE-THINK,  Reduce

    Shake & Fold: Preventing Paper Towel Waste to Help Curb Climate Change

    How many paper towels do you use to dry your hands? Two? Three? More? What if you could complete the task and reduce your carbon footprint at the same time? Just use Shake & Fold! Here’s what to do: Paper towels contribute to climate change at each stage of their life cycle. It takes fossil-fueled machines to harvest trees, then process, manufacture, package, and deliver paper towels. Then after one use, trucks pick up the waste and drive to the landfill, where they decompose, releasing methane. Sadly, Americans send over six billion tons of paper towels to the landfill each year. You can share Shake & Fold by placing stickers…

  • FOOD,  Organics

    Salmon Creek Farmers Market Has Benefits Available

    Eligible families receive Farmers Market Nutrition Program (FMNP) benefits from their local WIC clinic or local senior agency and may spend them directly with approved farm vendors. Qualified SNAP shoppers may visit the information booth at participating farmers markets to receive up to $25 in matching funds to purchase fresh produce, seeds and plants. Produce Pals provides children an opportunity to earn tokens for fresh produce by participating in fun, engaging learning activities, educational games and demonstrations. For more info: salmoncreekfarmersmarket.com

  • Business,  Home Garden

    Grocery Outlet of Oak Grove has Spring Gardening Essentials

    It’s Planting Season, and here at Grocery Outlet of Oak Grove, we have everything you need, from Organic soil to great starter plants and more. Come on and get everything you need for a great price. Of course, we will have all of our favorite Organic and specialty food items in stock. For more info: facebook.com/OakGroveGroceryOutlet/

  • Education,  Nature

    Fred the Monarch

    Monarch butterflies were plentiful during my childhood: I remember following them through the garden, craning to get a closer look at those magical wings. It is now quite rare to see a Monarch where I live in Oregon, and sadly, the species was added to the endangered list last year. We Need More Ambassadors of Childhood Wonderment Climate change is the likely cause of mass extinctions of Monarch butterflies and so many other species around the world, but something stops us from taking action. This widespread human inaction begs the question: do we really understand what is at stake? As soon as the pollinators are gone, we won’t be far…

  • ENERGY,  Fossil Fuels

    Exxon Knew

    Exxon’s scientists were as “skillful” as independent experts in predicting how the burning of fossil fuels would warm the planet and bring about climate change.