This event is part of a series of showcases of new and retrofit buildings across the state that demonstrate novel clean energy technology applications
Portland FIX-IT Fairs are Back for 2023
The Fix-It Fair is a FREE City of Portland event where you can connect with experts – and each other – to learn simple, low or no-cost ways to save money and be healthy all year long. Find resources, attend workshops, share your skills, and much more. Saturday, January 28, 20239:30 AM to 2:30 PMGeorge Middle School10000 N Burr Ave, Portland, OR 97203 Saturday, March 4, 20239:30 AM to 2:30 PMParkrose High School 12003 NE Shaver St, Portland, OR 97220 For more info:
Oak Grove Grocery Outlet Supports Community
Oak Grove Grocery Outlet has new owners: Gary & Angie Nielsen.
Awake in the Gorge Podcast
We are awake in The Gorge. A podcast all about spiritual awakening and living in The Gorge
An Exercise in Futility?
We can all hope Americans will accept personal responsibility for climate change and get on board with the electrification movement.
What is Energy Star?
ENERGY STAR® is the government-backed symbol for energy efficiency, providing simple, credible, and unbiased information that consumers and businesses rely on to make well-informed decisions.
Urban Forest Benefits
Urban forests make important contributions to the economic vitality and character of a city, neighborhood, or subdivision.
More Americans Would Get Electric Vehicles
With gas prices taking a toll on people’s wallets, Consumer Reports (CR) has a new survey of what Americans think about battery electric vehicles
Compost vs. Fertilizer
What is the difference between compost and fertilizer? How can I best deliver the necessary nutrients?
What You Should Know About Microfiber Pollution
Scientists estimate that over 8 million plastic tons enter our oceans yearly. Many studies suggest that washing clothes is one major source.