Housing,  Reduce

Exploring the Environmental Benefits of Downsizing

That uncontrollable pile of clutter may give you a headache since it visually distracts you and causes stress.  Owning too many things makes organizing your space and enjoying your home challenging. Explore the seven benefits of downsizing and its merits to you and the planet.

Consumerism Has Environmental Consequences

Environment degradation and consumerism are closely linked. Unfortunately, many people don’t realize that resources are extracted from nature to produce the goods they pay for. Once they get their hands on an item, they may only use it a few times before discarding it. 

Excessive consumerism has dramatically contributed to soil erosion, air pollution, and habitat loss in many organisms. Manufacturing companies aggressively deplete natural resources due to inappropriate production methods. If the current consumerism society doesn’t change, freshwater could run out by 2040. 

Downsizing can tone down consumption behaviors and their impact on the planet. 

7 Environmental Benefits of Downsizing 

Moving to a smaller floor plan may be the best decision for yourself and the planet. Here are the reasons why. 

1. Conserves Various Resources

Moving to a more manageable space can preserve environmental and personal assets, from water to money. You’ll require fewer construction supplies to build a smaller home. By extension, your budget also shrinks, leaving you with enough dollars for other necessary spending. Fewer raw materials, like wood and water, will be consumed in the process.

Water scarcity affects 10% of people worldwide, putting those without access to this resource at risk of many health concerns. Downsizing can help preserve and stretch the planet’s natural reservoir. 

2. Decreases Energy Consumption

Heating accounts for 45% of home energy consumption. This share goes up for every foot of useless space you heat to moderate your house’s temperature. Leaks in windows and doors that are hardly noticeable in a large house add to the cost.

Downsizing can significantly reduce your electricity bills. Since there are fewer rooms and smaller areas to light, heat, and cool, the HVAC system will use less energy to adjust the indoor temperature to a comfortable setting.

3. Reduces Waste 

The average American buys 53 new clothing items yearly, four times as much as in 2000. Companies produce more clothes than ever. Fast fashion overloads already swamped landfills, worsening the environment.

Resizing your possessions based on the available space in your new home can help mitigate this perpetual waste problem. One way to do it is by thinning out your closet and keeping only the essentials. You don’t need a room-sized wardrobe to survive. 

4. Declutters the Home

Extras won’t make it into your home if you simply don’t have a space for them. This sustainable-oriented mindset allows you to limit the number of things you own and avoid excessive consumerism in favor of the Earth. One study revealed Americans have over $7,000 of unused stuff in their homes, which explains why many struggle with their finances.

Downsizing encourages you to keep the bare minimum and toss the rest of your possessions at recycling stations. Use the 90-day or six-month rule to determine what to keep or let go of. Donate or sell the shirts you haven’t worn for 90 days or don’t think you will in the next 90. Doing so allows you to create an eco-friendly sanctuary.

5. Requires Less Maintenance

Your list of to-dos to manage your residence also decreases when you move to a smaller space. The frequency you’ll have to mow the lawn will lessen if you have a smaller yard. You can also decrease the number of security cameras you need since you have a smaller area to protect. It saves you electricity from running an extensive system. 

Generally, you’ll need fewer resources, from water to electricity to cleaning products, to maintain the upkeep of a modest home. 

6. Simplifies Lifestyle 

The other domains of your lifestyle shrink when you downsize. As a result, you tend to make decisions with the environment in mind. For instance, you won’t impulsively buy clothes if your wardrobe is full. You’ll rethink if there are older pieces you can give away or recycle to make space for new outfits.

Downsizing curves you into a minimalist lifestyle. This approach, wherein you only buy or use resources you need for survival, is a win for the planet. Additionally, it’s good for your mental health.

According to a study, simplification lowers stress and increases happiness. How does your well-being impact the environment? When you’re in a better headspace, you’re more selective of your purchases and the waste they generate. You become more mindful of your choices and their impact on the planet.

7. Lowers Individual Environmental Footprint

Every American generates an average of 4.51 pounds of municipal solid waste daily. This accumulates to 1,646 pounds annually — imagine the amount of trash one household with three members makes.

Reducing your floor plan to require less maintenance is an excellent way to start living more sustainably. It will help soothe your guilt about not doing something for the Earth despite having the power to instigate change. It’s also easier to implement a zero-waste lifestyle if you live in a tiny home than a large one. 

Downsizing Is Good for You and the Planet

Living on a bare minimum has massive personal and environmental upsides. You can save thousands by not buying stuff you don’t need, and your brain will thank you. On a broader scale, it can help preserve the planet and its nearly exhausted resources. It has no known drawback, so take the first step toward a greener lifestyle by joining sustainable programs in your community.

Mia Barnes is a health and lifestyle writer with a passion for sustainable wellness and eco-friendly living. Mia is the Editor-in-Chief of Body+Mind magazine with over 5 years of experience in freelance writing. 

Image by Julius H.

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