Since 2009, a non-profit, Lettuce Grow, has been teaching Sustainable Gardening to prison inmates, providing courses leading to a certificate in Home Horticulture.
Feeding Your Pet Healthy Food
There have been recalls in the past, and there is a lot to say on this subject regarding the pet-food industry and the standards — well, the lack of standards — for quality control within the industry and the FDA.
Simple Living
Ah yes, simple living. Who hasn’t, at some time, wished for a simpler life? Which then begs the question: why do we feel the need to live more simply? Are we frustrated?
Sharing the Caring at the End of Life
The most effective information-sharing tool turned out to be a Facebook page set up by his daughter in order to easily share news about his rapidly changing condition once he stopped eating.
Voluntary Simplicity
Think about it this way: if you buy a $4 coffee every workday, that’s approximately $1000 a year spent on coffee. If you make $10 an hour, that equates to 100 hours of work just to buy coffee. Voluntary Simplicity is about making conscious choices.
Get Back To Nature, Even While You Live in the City
The crowds and noise of a big city can leave you anxious and with frayed wits. As a nature lover who appreciates your own personal space, the city sometimes leaves you overwhelmed.
My Twenty Part-Time Jobs
Like millions of other Americans, I recently found myself laid-off. My erstwhile employer wasn’t a giant, downsizing corporation but a small book publisher. Two years previously I’d had my photo in color in the business section of the New York Times, in a lead article lauding our company for exemplary “niche” publishing. Even so, after more than a decade in various management positions, I was told, “You’re a fixed cost that needs to be a variable cost.” I wasn’t expecting the difficulties of finding a new job, nor the jolt to my self-respect, ordinarily rather sturdy. I missed my colleagues, most of them also fired. I missed seeing my name…
5 Unique Ways to Go Paperless
Want to go paperless, get rid of unwanted color and reduce your office expenses once and for all? Make the paperless office a reality by relying on technology instead.
5 Best Gadgets for Monitoring Your Energy Use
From lowering your carbon footprint to monitoring your energy use, here are some of the best gadgets and apps on the market.
Top Five Energy-Efficient Home Appliances
The importance of sustainable living is picking up momentum. From buying locally grown produce to conserving water, there are endless ways to help make your mark on our planet in a positive way right in your own home.