“…with the advent of smart technology and the ever-present digital distractions in our pockets and purses, the “fear of missing out“ has emerged as an almost infectious cultural tension.”
Rethinking the Perfectly Manicured Lawn
For many, lawns have become a status symbol. In exchange for a sea of green, homeowners are expected to provide water, gasoline for mowers, time for maintenance, and often herbicides.
Simple Living
Ah yes, simple living. Who hasn’t, at some time, wished for a simpler life? Which then begs the question: why do we feel the need to live more simply? Are we frustrated?
Greener Apparel from the Bottom Up
Years ago, I slipped and fell in the Sierras on a backpacking trip because my beloved and comfortable hiking boots had traveled so many hundreds of miles on my feet that they had nearly slick soles. I condemned those boots to the landfill — oops! Turns out that I’m not Goody Two Shoes after all, since it takes more than 50 years for leather shoes to break down in a landfill. Apparently, they will still be there for some time after I’m gone. Older and wiser now, I bought a quality pair of hiking boots to replace them. But with wisdom and age, also comes wider feet. Every time I…
Voluntary Simplicity
Think about it this way: if you buy a $4 coffee every workday, that’s approximately $1000 a year spent on coffee. If you make $10 an hour, that equates to 100 hours of work just to buy coffee. Voluntary Simplicity is about making conscious choices.
Sustainability In Business
Corporations are stereotypically not seen as good proponents for the environment. However, many people are seeing the advantages of running a large company that helps the environment.
Simple Fixes for 6 Common HVAC Problems
Top Hint – Clean and replace the air filters regularly. Dirty, clogged or damaged air filters reduce air flow, which makes your HVAC system work harder. They can also allow dirt to enter your system, causing further damage.
The Grass is Always Greener
Ok, so it’s not the grass that we are talking about, it’s the tools that we use in our yards – mowers, trimmers, clippers, pruners, cultivators, and saws – that can be a lot greener.
Upcycling Windows & Doors – Urban Gardening Projects
Upcycling — has become increasingly common among city dwellers due to its ease, accessibility and artsy appeal.
Moving to a New Home, the Green Way
Moving is not a fun task, and a move can become wasteful, considering all the non-recyclable material and household goods being tossed out as garbage.