Add dry herbs at the beginning and fresh herbs near the finish. Your taste buds will soon prefer the new flavors and your heart will be thankful.
Pacific Women’s Herbal Conference
Join a village of wild women meeting once again in the forest at the edge of the Salish Sea. Learning, celebrating, connecting, transforming…
Being the Change
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair….”
Apartment Composting Made Easy
If you are passionate like me about managing your home waste, but live in an apartment, Bokashi composting may be your answer to your food waste dilemmas. Bokashi is a Japanese method of composting that essentially uses live microbes to “pickle” food waste.
Be Prepared With Telsa
In 1995, a young immigrant (from South Africa via Canada) turned his back on Stanford University’s PhD program after being enrolled for just two days. Without fanfare, he stepped onto the world’s stage with a vision of changing the world and humanity
Maritime Northwest Victory Gardener’s Almanack for the month of December
December tends to be a continuation of our region’s seasonally wet weather but can occasionally get snowy. The primary difference between this month and last is that the days are getting colder and shorter as the Winter Solstice arrives.
The Trouble with Research (Part 2)
Researchers need funding, so when large contributors call, it’s hard to resist their interests.
Essential Oils to Tame Mosquitos
Summertime means sunshine, camping, hiking, gardening, and an all-around good time being outside. But with the great outdoors comes one big bugaboo: mosquitoes! Rather than spraying on a synthetic cocktail of chemicals with conventional bug spray, we prefer to use natural essential oils. There seems to be one winged menace that’s especially difficult once the weather turns hot and humid. Not to worry … Here are seven essential oils that naturally discourage mosquitoes: 1. Cypress Essential Oil A 2013 Greek study looked at eight species of cypress to assess their e effectiveness against mosquito larvae from Aedes albopictus. Three of the essential oils (C. benthamii, C. lawsoniana, and C. macrocarpa)…
Coming Soon: “Leaf to Home” Emergency Electrical Backup
Today about 4,000 households in Japan are utilizing their EVs to manage home energy use. They can be used as a backup power supply for blackouts and emergencies.
Being Prepared
Since the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, the US Government has taken steps to encourage all citizens to make their own survival preparations, and since 2004, September has been officially designated as National Preparedness Month.