During our class, Less is More: Getting to One Can of Garbage a Year, we talk about the three familiar Rs – Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. After we discuss these three in order of importance, we ask folks to identify more Rs to move their thinking further upstream. Their suggestions include: Repurpose, Resist, Restore, Repair, Refuse, Reconnect, and Reimagine. Practicing any or all of these behaviors can rehabilitate our planet. Choose the actions that appeal to you and work them into your daily habits. We can all be part of the RE-Generation, no matter when we were born! Another R that is getting more attention now is Regenerate. According to Wikipedia, “the term “regenerative” describes processes…
Pacific Women’s Herbal Conference 2020
6th Annual Pacific Women’s Herbal Conference on Vashon Island, WA An inter-generational, nourishing, engaging, integrated weekend for women. Coming to the Table September 25-27, 2020 Over 30 Hands-On Workshops, 20 Experienced Teachers, HerbWalks, Opening & Closing Spirals, Story Telling at the Fire Circle, Talent Show, A Lively MarketPlace, 400 Acre Forest Reserve, 1.5 miles of beach on the Salish Sea, Hiking, Walking, Gigong, Engaging Social Time at a Distance Pre-Conference Intensives & Workshops September 24-25, 2020 Thursday 9/24/20: Pre-Conference Intensive with Susun Weed: A Cancer Diagnosis: Help Yourself the Wise Woman Way Friday, 9/25/20: Pre-Conference Hands-On Workshops with EagleSong Gardener: Health From the Ground Up & Keya Kai Guimaraes: Healing Hawaiian Lei…
Regenetarians Unite
Regenetarians United Can Change the World “The whole world is a garden, and what a wonderful place it would be if we each took care of our part of the Earth, our garden.” ~Voltaire As eaters, we are all farmers deciding what kind of farming system exists in the world that feeds us: our plate is our farm, our fork our pitchfork, our knife our slaughtering knife. One- third of the Earth’s surface is covered in arable farm and range- lands. Regenerative practices can restore soil health and organic matter relatively quickly, within five to ten years. If we each take responsibility for our section of the garden as consumers, at…
We Are All Corn People
When does the health of a society and a planet become more valuable than bargain food and deals at the grocery store and fast-food chains? When do we start paying the true price for the abundance of cheap food we are consuming? When do we admit that the rise in Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and obesity isn’t an accident but a direct result of the type of food we are eating? And when do we decide to do something about this? These questions have been on my mind for many years. As a musician who spends a lot of time on the road, my wallet is always pleased when…
Solar Oregon’s 8th Annual Solar Winery Tour
** Rescheduled to Sat. August 16th This year is special: to give the greatest access and highest quality experience during COVID, we are excited to bring you an innovative, fully virtual tour, complete with home wine tastings. From the comfort and safety of our homes, we will travel to Adelsheim vineyards, Torii Mor Vineyard, and Alexana winery. Our Winery Hosts this year are Adelsheim vineyards, Torii Mor Vineyard and Alexana winery. Spend an incredible virtual day in the Willamette valley. Drink wine, eat great food, and support clean energy! For more info: www.solaroregon.org
Camas Plant and Garden Fair
**Cancelled for 2020 Here’s the link for online sales to support the vendors: https://downtowncamas.com/plant-fair-vendor-online-salesand here’s the link to 2019 vendors: http://cwplantfair.org/vendors Downtown Camas Saturday, May 9th, 9 am to 4 pm Everything for your yard &garden! Held the day before Mother’s Day each year, the plant fair draws in thousands of people to enjoy and explore the amazing selection of plants, trees, garden art and supplies, and much more provided by our dedicated local growers and vendors. Kids’ activities, live music, entertainment, fresh food, and the shops and restaurants in Downtown Camas all add to the community experience. Come make a day of it! For More Info: www.cwplantfair.org
Especially During Holidays Let’s face it, once the Holiday eating season is upon us, who can resist the seasonal delights? All year long we yearn for mouthwatering holiday foods. My sister’s Figgie pudding (with hard sauce) is my real weakness. It actually hijacks my brain cells to indulge. Going into the Holiday Eating Season, I practice Conscious Eating by being aware of my blood sugar fluctuations, and not “starving-to-binge” by missing meals just to take on more calories later. Approaching a big feast with an empty stomach just makes me heap my first plate full and (fill my dessert stomach too early) before the second plate arrives. Finally, it’s how…
Make a Change
An untidy garden can benefit birds and insects It’s that time of year when plants are turning brown as they complete their time with us after providing tasty food, medicine, and beauty throughout the summer months. Final harvests are being completed and thoughts turn to all the garden and yard clean-up we need to do, including herb beds. Often, we are eager to put the pruners and rake to work while we can still get out without getting completely soaked by the rain here in the Pacific Northwest. After all, preparing tidy herb beds and garden spaces for spring is what we’re supposed to do in the fall, right? Last…
Herbal Plant Companions
Herbs are typically hardy and resilient. In these times of unpredictable weather, herbs provide beauty, flavor, medicine and food for people and pets. One additional benefit of herbs is serving as good companions for your flower and veggie gardens. When certain herbs are planted near or among other plants, they help those plants be resilient, too. Companion planting with herbs attracts beneficial insects or draw unwanted pests away from more vulnerable plants. Here are a few examples of our favorite companion herbs. Calendula This cheery, sunny, fragrant flower (also known as pot marigold) pairs well with eggplant and tomatoes. It attracts a wide variety of pollinators, including striped bees and…
How I Upgraded My Electric Mower
My introduction to cordless mowing was a Black and Decker “ factory reconditioned” CMM 1000, which I babied well past its expected lifetime. I had promised myself that if I could get it through until the end of its last summer, the long winter would give me plenty of time to research a replacement. A very helpful article in Green Living Journal (*) came just in time to greatly aid me in my search. I know that lawns and mowing are not appropriate in many places. Here, where we live in a pine forest, we keep a circle of mowed lawn around our modest home as a fire-break. We also…