Bill Mollison, of permaculture fame, made a rather profound observation: “Though the problems of the world are increasingly complex, the solutions remain embarrassingly simple.” Applying his words to the problem of climate change, climate scientists and millions of concerned individuals agree that the solution is simple: stop burning fossil fuels and switch everything to electric power. A simple solution but a massive global undertaking to make it happen. It is happening and so we bring you a few items that caught our attention in the months since our Spring issue. JFK Airport To Go Solar The largest rooftop solar array in New York City and on any U.S. airport terminal will…
Decarbonize Your Life (part 2)
Scientific consensus tells us that to stabilize the climate, we must achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 (27 short years) so that any remaining carbon emissions are balanced with carbon removal. Despite the enormity of this unprecedented challenge, there is a known and achievable way to get there.
5 Benefits of Residential Solar
The amount of solar connected to the electric grid has grown exponentially in the past several years, and there are now nearly 4 million American households already generating their own power with solar energy.
Solar Oregon Wine and Brew Tour
hat is better than sunshine, good wine, and quality beer?
Exxon Knew
Exxon’s scientists were as “skillful” as independent experts in predicting how the burning of fossil fuels would warm the planet and bring about climate change.
Decarbonize Your Life (part 1)
Scientific consensus tells us that to stabilize the climate, we must achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 (27 short years) so that any remaining carbon emissions are balanced with carbon removal.
See No Evil
Fossil fuels dominate our lives We occasionally receive letters from readers calling our attention to the fact that wind turbines are not green because they kill birds, are an eyesore, and make noise. We also had a President that claimed windmills cause cancer and destroys the value of homes. And there have been many articles written claiming electric cars (EVs) are more damaging to the environment than gas-fueled cars. The claim is that the manufacturing processes used to build EVs and their batteries produce more CO2 and other side effects than are ever offset over their lifetime of use. This same issue is used against solar panels and wind turbines,…
- Electric Vehicles, ENERGY, Energy Conservation, Fossil Fuels, Go Electric, Go Electric, Heating & Cooling
Top 12 Climate Developments of 2022
2022 should be celebrated for some amazing climate developments that will make a difference for years to come.
Solar Oregon Wine and Brew Tour
What is better than solar energy and good wine and beer?
The Joys of Laundry
Want to harvest some solar energy without having to apply for government subsidies or understanding what it means to make your electric meter run backward? Try hanging your laundry.