• City of Portland Fix it Fair
    COMMUNITY,  Education,  Energy Conservation,  EVENT,  HEALTH & HOME

    City of Portland Fix it Fairs

    For the last 4 years, Green Living Journal has participated in the Free Fix-It Fair City of Portland event where you can learn simple ways to save money and connect with resources. Attendees find a wealth of information! What you’ll find at a Fix-It Fair  Ongoing exhibits and hourly workshops on such topics as:  Water and energy savings  Safe and healthy home  Food and nutrition  Neighborhood and community resources  Recycling  Weatherizing your home  Gardening and growing your own food  Yard care and composting  Transportation  Plus:  Repair Café: Bring one item to be fixed by a Repair PDX volunteer, while learning how to do it yourself. (Volunteers will do their best, but…

  • Mass of Praying Mantis eggs
    Herbs,  Home Garden,  Nature

    Make a Change

    An untidy garden can benefit birds and insects It’s that time of year when plants are turning brown as they complete their time with us after providing tasty food, medicine, and beauty throughout the summer months. Final harvests are being completed and thoughts turn to all the garden and yard clean-up we need to do, including herb beds. Often, we are eager to put the pruners and rake to work while we can still get out without getting completely soaked by the rain here in the Pacific Northwest. After all, preparing tidy herb beds and garden spaces for spring is what we’re supposed to do in the fall, right?  Last…

  • Solar Oregon Winery Tour
    Education,  ENERGY,  EVENT,  Solar

    Solar Oregon’s 40th Birthday Bash

    Thursday, December 5, 5:30 – 9:00 PM – Vacasa HQ 850 Northwest 13th Avenue Portland, OR 97209 Solar Oregon is turning 40 and celebrating 4 decades of promoting clean energy.  To be around as non-profit for 40 years is a testament to the support of the community, the strength of the many board members and staff who have guided it and the relevance of this organization’s work.Solar Oregon was founded to offer an alternative to nuclear power during the 1970’s and 80’s.  Back then electricity produced by the sun was only in the research lab and solar energy consisted of a couple of passive solar and water heating applications. Fast forward…

  • Net Zero Home Tour
    BUILDING,  Education,  ENERGY,  Energy Conservation,  EVENT,  Heating & Cooling,  Solar

    Solar Oregon Net Zero Homes Tour

    Saturday October 19, 2019  9am – 5pm  2105 N Webster Street, Portland  Join Solar Oregon, Passive House, Green Hammer and Earth Advantage to see what it’s like to live in a Zero carbon home and learn all the surprisingly simple, accessible and innovate strategies that homeowners use for getting to zero.  The Tour will feature homes in North and South East Portland and will be co-hosted by some of the leading green builders and architects in the area. Lunch will be at the new Tillamook Row Net Zero Apartments in NE Portland.  Suggested Donation – $10 Solar Oregon members, $20 for general public  For more info: https://solaroregon.org/event/net-zero-homes-tour/

  • Garden Home Sustainability Fair
    COMMUNITY,  EVENT,  Repair

    Garden Home Sustainability & Repair Fair

    Friday, October 4, 2019 5:00 pm 7:30 pm  Garden Home Recreation Center Gymnasium  7475 SW Oleson Rd, Portland  Embrace Green Living  Learn about sustainable topics from gardening to recycling to water conservation & much more all from local experts.  Repair Fair is Back  Repair your hopusehold items and small appliances. Limit two items per person.  Free Admission – All Ages Welcome  For more info: Heather Waisanen, 503-245-9932, heatherw@co.wccls.org 

  • tools
    COMMUNITY,  Community Projects,  EVENT,  Repair

    Repair Cafes

    Repair Cafes are free community events where participants can bring broken or damaged common household items and have them fixed for free by skilled volunteers! Volunteers fix bicycles, small appliances, small electronics, jewelry, sharpen tools/knives, and do sewing repairs.  Portland Area Repair Cafes  Sat, September 21, 10am – 1pm  Robinwood Station Community Center  3706 Cedar Oak Dr, West Linn, OR  Fri, October 4, 5:00pm – 7:30pm Garden Home Recreation Center 7475 SW Oleson Rd, Portland, OR  Sat, October 28, 10am – 12:30pm  Multnomah County Library – Gresham  385 NW Miller Ave, Gresham, OR  Vancouver Area Repair Cafes Sat. September 14, 12pm- 2pm Clark County Habitat for Humanity Store   10811 SE 2nd St,…

  • Columbia Gorge Discovery Center
    COMMUNITY,  Education,  EVENT

    Columbia Gorge Discovery Center & Museum Upcoming Events

    5000 Discovery Dr  The Dalles, OR  Columbia Gorge Discovery Center & Museum in The Dalles is the official interpretive center for the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area. Open daily 9 am – 5 pm. Hiking trails, live raptor presentations, children’s activities, and exhibits from the ice age through Lewis and Clark, early explorers and 10,000 years of Indigenous cultural heritage.  CURRENT EVENT Through December 31 – Woman of Vision exhibit  For more info: www.gorgediscovery.org 

  • Sand Cranes
    COMMUNITY,  Education,  EVENT,  Nature

    20th Anniversary BirdFest & BlueGrass Celebration

    Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge & Downtown Ridgefield WA  October 4 & 5, 2019  Workshops, hikes and walks all catered to teach you how to use the Refuge. You can learn how to listen for bird species, identify plants, about the geology of the area, the peoples who came before us and still tend to the land, how to take photos of it all, paint the landscape, and much more.  Sandhill Crane Tours Bluegrass Pickers Festival Audubon Wild Birds of Prey Naturalist Led Hikes Cultural Activities Big Canoe Tours Birders Marketplace Local Food and Business Booths 20th Anniversary Celebration on Oct. 4th at Ilani BirdFest events in town include- shopping, food, and…

  • Community Readiness,  Safety


    “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning how to dance in the rain.” – Vivian Greene  “SPROING!’  That sound came to mind when I was thinking about Resilience. Resilience means being able to bounce back in the face of a challenge, being able to adapt and make changes, and even to innovate. Whether the power goes out, or your job is eliminated, or there is a glitch in the kitchen, resilience means figuring out how to adjust and reorganize in order to cope with those new conditions. Developing resilience is essential to enjoying well-being.  Figuring out a new or different way to solve a problem…