• Pacific Women's Herbal Conference
    COMMUNITY,  Education,  EVENT,  Herbs

    Pacific Women’s Herbal Conference 2020

    6th Annual Pacific Women’s Herbal Conference on Vashon Island, WA  An inter-generational, nourishing, engaging, integrated weekend for women.   Coming to the Table September 25-27, 2020 Over 30 Hands-On Workshops, 20 Experienced Teachers, HerbWalks, Opening & Closing Spirals, Story Telling at the Fire Circle, Talent Show, A Lively MarketPlace, 400 Acre Forest Reserve, 1.5 miles of beach on the Salish Sea, Hiking, Walking, Gigong, Engaging Social Time at a Distance Pre-Conference Intensives & Workshops September 24-25, 2020 Thursday 9/24/20: Pre-Conference Intensive with Susun Weed: A Cancer Diagnosis: Help Yourself the Wise Woman Way Friday, 9/25/20: Pre-Conference Hands-On Workshops with EagleSong Gardener: Health From the Ground Up & Keya Kai Guimaraes: Healing Hawaiian Lei…

  • Outdoor children
    Education,  Nature

    Winter Garden Activities for Children:

    Taking Advantage of the Off-Season Gardening during the winter is a tricky task in most climates. Many people have already put their gardens “to bed,” saved their seeds for spring, and they carefully avoid tromping across wet soil in fear of hard pack. And for children, the moments of exploring a garden and learning in it are exchanged for increased indoor time during this off-season.  But while an outdoor garden space may not be available for children to roam and dig through, winter is still a vital time for children to learn about gardening because of the risk-free, fail-safe opportunities it provides. During the active growing seasons, many children experience…

  • Oregon Tradeswomen Career Fair
    Business,  Construction,  Education,  EVENT

    Oregon Tradeswomen’s 2021 Career Fair

    Thank you for your interest in Oregon Tradeswomen’s Annual Career Fair, one of the most exciting and engaging career fairs in our region dedicated to the construction industry! In 2020, we had to cancel our event due to COVID-19, and with the continued unknowns for large events in 2021, we have made the difficult decision to cancel our annual Career Fair again this year. This decision was not made lightly, as each year, this incredible event connects thousands of students and jobseekers to the wide variety of exciting careers in the skilled construction trades. NECA-IBEW Electrical Training Center 16021 NE Airport Way, Portland Oregon’s Construction Industry has a shortage of…

  • Bridge photo of youth climate protest
    Community Projects,  Education,  EVENT

    Sustainability Symposium *Online* in response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19)

    Friday, April 17, 2020, 12 pm to 2:30 pm Virtual via Zoom register here: https://portlandcc.zoom.us/meeting/register/uZcudeuqrTwoypFr4GWtiHD7OuFo0Prc8Q “A Call for Action” The Greater Portland Sustainability Education Network (GPSEN) and co-host Portland Community College are hosting their third annual, Sustainability Symposium. Open to the public, they are calling all change agents, leaders, teachers, scholars, students, and community members for a day full of discovery and connections. Highlighting local and global issues, cutting-edge academic and community research, and sustainability projects and solutions, participants will focus on collaboration, diversity, innovative problem-solving, and reflections on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Keynote speaker is Mak Porotesano, PCC Sylvania’s Multicultural Center Coordinator. Experience a day full of community,…

  • Earth Day Oregon Logo

    Earth Day Oregon Celebration

    ** We regret to announce that our event has been postponed. ** We will share more details as they become available. April 23, from 4:30-7:30 pm Vestas, 1417 NW Everett St All are invited to come out and celebrate. Earth Day Oregon is a statewide collective campaign to amplify the impact of Earth Day by driving donations to the nonprofit organizations in our community that work to create a sustainable world. On April 22nd, the world celebrates the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. In Oregon, businesses are marking the occasion with donations to Earth Day Oregon Nonprofit Partners. Any nonprofit that advances the Sustainable Development Goals, identified by the United…

  • Bird Picture
    Education,  EVENT,  Nature


    A Birdsong Immersion Retreat 2020 *Cancelled due to Covid* May 16th, 1 pm – May 17th, 12 pm TreeSong Nature Awareness and Retreat Center 41 Tree-Ific Dr. W, Washougal, WA Immerse yourself in springtime birdsong in this unique overnight retreat. Identify birds by their distinct voices and understand what they’re communicating. You’ll learn to focus on the sounds around you, get to know a bird’s world, experience the dawn chorus, and connect more deeply with nature. Two delicious meals will be prepared for you. Overnight accommodations are included. Experience a deep connection to nature, community, self, and stewardship for the planet. The nature awareness and arts programs for children, adults,…

  • pile of recycling
    COMMUNITY,  Education,  EVENT

    Become a Master Recycler

    Multnomah County winter 2020 Applications  Curious How Recycling Works?  Learn from the experts.  Make a difference. Take an eight-week course on the latest information on consumption, compost, and recycling.  WHAT: Multnomah County Winter 2020 volunteer training  WHEN: Eight consecutive Thursdays starting January 9 at 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. and two Saturdays January 18 and February 8 at 8:00 am – 2:00 pm  WHERE: Metro regional center 600 NE Grand, Portland  COST: $50. Partial and full scholarships available with no extra application.  For more information: https://www.masterrecycler.org