The Green Living Journal offers solutions to the serious energy, health, and environmental problems facing all of us. Topics we cover include: Food, Building, Health, Education, Transportation, Business, Energy and Nature.
The Portland edition of the Green Living Journal is a family-owned business, thankful to advertisers for its existence. We print 20,000 copies each quarter. Our mission is to connect readers with the businesses, ideas, articles, and stories that will inspire and motivate them to make the mindful choices needed to create a cleaner, healthier, and more prosperous world.
Our Philosophy
We believe in abundance, community, health, and education, based on the principles of sustainability.
We advocate for renewable energy, net zero buildings, electric drive vehicles, local organic food, personal health, and sustainability-based education at all levels.
We believe in the power of individuals, communities, businesses, and governments to find solutions, and we remain steadfastly optimistic that we will succeed in building a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable future.
History of the Green Living Journal
The Green Living Journal was started in Vermont by Marshall Glickman in 1990. Stephen Morris, owner of The Public Press, took the reins from Marshall in 2005. Morris expanded publication to include three editions in Vermont and one in Oregon. As “a practical journal for friends of the environment,” all editions deliver quality, hands-on information to readers interested in greening their lives and improving the environment.

The idea of a Portland edition of the Journal was born in 2007 when Gary Munkhoff and Susan Place stopped to visit the Green Living Journal booth at the SolWest Energy Fair in John Day. They were immediately drawn to the idea of delivering timely, practical and positive information to people interested in a greener lifestyle. They realized that they just had to be part of the Green Living Journal family.
In June 2008, Gary and Susan’s company, Columbia River Press published the first issue of the Green Living Journal targeted to the Portland-Vancouver area.

Mike Dunton – An entrepreneur, farmer, lifelong gardener, seed saver, and interested in “old-timey” ways, historical agriculture and biodiversity preservation. From his ancestral farm in Liberal, Oregon, he focused all of these interests and founded the mission-driven Victory Seed Company in 1998 which works to locate, grow, document and preserve rare, threatened, heirloom seed varieties keeping them available to gardeners. You can learn more at

Betty Shelley and her husband, Jon, have produced just one 35-gallon can of garbage per year since 2006. She finds waste reduction to be a creative, empowering way to reduce her impact on the planet’s climate and resources. She offers “Less is More” classes on reducing resource waste in the Portland area. Betty is a Master Recycler and a former Recycling Information Specialist for Metro Regional Government in Portland, Oregon. A member of NW Earth Institute since 1994, she was honored with the NW Earth Institute Founders Award in 2013, recognizing her vast contributions to both NW Earth Institute and sustainability education and practice more broadly.

Ken Condliff – Founder of Nut-Tritious Foods, a company dedicated to producing the most nutrient dense foods available to consumers. Based on Ken’s experience in high tech manufacturing and in new product innovation, he decided to bring foods, with more nutrient density, to the consumer. The concept was based on consumer preference for eating only healthy ingredients and eliminating the additives and ingredients that add little nutrition to food. Ken’s background and experience with product development goes back several decades, and started as a child, when he was re-inventing unique products and services.

Lauren Norris is the Sustainability Outreach Manager in the City of Portland’s Bureau of Planning and Sustainability. The outreach team engages residents on re- cycling sustainable consumption, climate change, equity and social sustainability. Ms. Norris also runs the regional Master Recycler Program, administered by the City of Portland, something that she has done since 2006.

Joan Maiers – Author, educator, editor, works with writers of all ages. Several months each year, she hosts the Peregrine Literary Series which features regional writers and musicians at a Lake Oswego, OR venue. Her work is published in various journals, anthologies and publications like this one, as well as in Calyx, Fireweed, Sojourners, Windfall, The Oregonian, Oregon English Journal, If I Had a Hammer, Blooming in the Shade, Voice Catchers, and Switched-on Gutenberg. She is preparing Specific Gravity, her manuscript of poems for publication.

Cynthia Beal – As founder of the Natural Burial Company in 2004, she’s explored almost every area related to pre-and-post death management. She designs, sells and evangelizes about biodegradable products, with the hope of connecting more people to a righteous “Natural End”. Her main focus today is to encourage existing cemeteries to accommodate natural burials, while reducing resource use, enhancing habitat, and mitigating future pollution. She hopes that the lives we live will be as long and healthy, and environmentally generous as possible, and that our deaths will express that legacy.”

Erin Harwood and Eloyce O’Connor are the herbal enthusiasts behind Garden Delights Herb Farm in Brush Prairie, WA. Since starting with parsley as a treat for a pet rabbit more than 20 years ago, they have grown, harvested and preserved a wide variety of herbs for culinary, medicinal, pet, personal and home care uses. Both started their careers as teachers, from elementary to college, and continue to share their passion and love of herbs with others through their herb classes both on and off the farm. They feel strongly that herbs can be easily incorporated into everyone’s lives, and they share inspiration and ideas on their blog at

Katie Cordrey is Green Living Journal’s pre-production editor and was a top green trends writer for Trendhunter for several years. She has real life experience of having lived off the grid for nearly a decade. She worked on a project that pioneered the engineering, production and testing of giant – now commonplace – wind turbines, served five rural counties as an Arts in Education director, and founded a regional crisis intervention program for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. She was a founding member of Made in the Gorge, an artists’ cooperative, as well as the artisan business, Sticks and Stones. She is passionate about art, small business, and the environment. Her future plans include expanding her art production and micro-publishing titles.