Nature,  Think Piece

Get Back To Nature, Even While You Live in the City

The crowds and noise of a big city can leave you anxious and with frayed wits. As a nature lover who appreciates your own personal space, the city sometimes leaves you overwhelmed. However, there are ways you can bring serenity back to your life in the form of the nature you love, even while in a big city. Here are some tips for anyone who wants the calmness of the natural world in their lives, no matter their place of residence.

Walk Scores

A city’s walk score isn’t only about the walkability of the city, it also takes into account the bicycle infrastructure, parks, transit and other public transportation services, and the overall beauty of the city. It may surprise you that Walkscore.com ranks New York City as the most walkable city in the United States. Then again, Central Park, as well as the extensive subway system, make this city a great one for outdoor lovers. The website even ranks specific neighborhoods. For instance, Little Italy is the top-rated neighborhood in New York, and the Chinatown-Leather District is ranked the best in Boston. With a systematic approach, Walkscore will guide you in the right direction when you look for a walkable city or neighborhood.

Your Inside Nature

Whether you’re at the local park, among the few trees, on the beach or on a hike in the mountains, you feel more at peace in nature than in the hustle and bustle of everyday city life. Nature has been found to reduce stress and anxiety, so why not bring those benefits into your home. Design your house or apartment with the serenity of nature in mind. This is all about using natural elements that will create a calm atmosphere for you, like natural light and decor made from natural materials.


Home decor can change the way you feel in extreme ways. If lack of inspiration is holding you back, start with easy additions — plants. House plants, vertical gardens on the patio, miniature herb gardens in the kitchen and fragrant bouquets of flowers are simple ways to add elements of tranquility to your indoor and outdoor living spaces. Many house plants, like air plants, succulents and twisting vines, can safely occupy your kitchen, bathroom and living space; however, some plants that may be safe for humans are unsafe for pets like birds, cats and dogs. Before you populate your home with plants, make sure they won’t be detrimental to your animal(s) first.

DIY Nature

You can find many of the props you need out in nature yourself. Old, rustic driftwood can be hollowed out for candle holders, shaved down for a mirror frame or sanded and used for the legs of a nature-inspired bookshelf. Small cut logs can act as stools around your coffee table, which, if you have the help, can be as simple as a glass pane laid over a large rock, and these are just a couple ideas. Natural elements can come from all corners of your imagination and the world.

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